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sql ="select * from article where typeid=2 order by dateandtime Desc"
rs.open sql,conn,1,1
do while not rs.eof%>
·" target="_blank"><%=rs("title")%> |
if i=20 then exit do
ARB供应的Portable Rescue Tree地锚源于SARCA公司生产,具有六年的历史。运用在许多紧急救援服务中,获得了非常好的声誉。只有14公斤,可以被提到很远的地方,折叠起来还很好存放。它的高效性已经得到了泥地、沙地和硬土地等不同地面条件的证实。

SARCA(Anchor Right Australia,http://www.anchorright.net/)是澳洲一家海锚、系船设备、绞索及地锚专业生产厂。

The Portable Rescue Tree (PRT)折叠式地锚长610mm, 高340mm,宽90mm,重14公斤,可承载12,000lbs,参考价格£359.95。
简单三步,即可开始使用The Portable Rescue Tree (PRT)折叠式地锚,仅需30秒! |
对比两款地锚,可以看到Pull-Pal地锚插入地下部分的面积比SARCA PRT地锚要小,也就是说在相同的地面上,SARCA PRT地锚能够为绞盘提供更大的支撑力。在使用中Pull-Pal地锚会在地里产生较大的位移。
Compact – when folded the PRT is approx. the size of a brief case and, at just 12kg, can be carried over a long distance with ease
Digs itself in as more pressure is applied so it can be a one man operation; fast anchoring in sand, mud, soil and hard soils to gravel
No more slings, snatcham straps, star pickets or burying your spare wheel to un-bog your vehicle – the PRT can be used for straining fences, un-bogging tractors, trucks motor homes and 4WD's
Tested and used by State Emergency Services (SES Victoria), and Search and Rescue Police Defence Driver Training
Ready to operate within 30 seconds
Offers the widest fluke area of any ground anchor in the marketplace, giving it exceptional holding power
Can be used with manual winches, block tackle and tirfors, for any type of winch system for any type of job |