<% if Request("menu") = "addto" then call addto() else call index() end if sub index() %> <% dim typename,classid,classname,pl,hot if IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("typeid"))=False then Response.Redirect"info.html?info=错误的参数" else typeid=cint(Request.QueryString("typeid")) end if if Request.QueryString("mo") <>"" and IsNumeric(Request.QueryString("mo"))=False then Response.Redirect"info.html?info=错误的参数" else if Request.QueryString("mo") <>"" then mo=cint(Request.QueryString("mo")) end if end if 'response.write mo 'response.end set temprs=conn.execute("select name,pl,hot,data,time1,js,music,pass,view from zhuanti where id="&typeid) if temprs.eof or temprs.bof then response.write "该专题并不存在!该专题并不存在!"%>
<% response.end end if if temprs(8)=true and mo=0 then Response.Redirect"zhuanti.html?typeid="&typeid&"&mo=1" end if typename=temprs(0) if temprs(1)="" OR IsNULL(temprs(1))=true then pl ="0" else pl=temprs(1) end if hot=temprs(2) data=temprs(3) data1=temprs(4) js=temprs(5) ms=temprs(6) p=temprs(7) set temprs=nothing Set rs=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") sql="select * from zhuanti where id="&typeid Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.OPEN sql,Conn,1,3 ps=Rs("pass") if Rs("hot")="" OR IsNULL(Rs("hot"))=true then Rs("hot") ="1" else Rs("hot") = Rs("hot")+1 end if rs.update Rs.close set Rs = nothing %> <%=typename%> >> <% pss=Request.cookies("'"&typeid&"'") if len(ps)<>0 then if pss<>ps then Response.Write"该相册是一个非共享文件夹,请提供查看通行证:
" %>
<% response.end end if end if %>
<%sqlo="select id from desktop where zhuanti="&typeid&" order by id asc" Set rso=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rso.open sqlo,conn,1,1 if rso.eof or rso.bof then sm=0 else sm=rso.RecordCount end if rso.close set rso=nothing %>
My photo
中国汽车绞盘网 > 中国绞盘资料库 <% if mo=1 then response.write"| 以缩图形式查看" end if%> <% if mo<>1 then response.write"| 以列表形式查看" end if%>

  My Photo 欢迎访问 共有<%=sm%>张照片 
<%=typename%><%if ms>"" then%>
<%end if%>
发布日期:<%=data1%>(浏览:<%=hot%>) 拍摄日期:<%=data%> 4 <%if p<>"" then Response.Write"需权限浏览" else Response.Write"共享相册" end if%> >>评论

<%if js>"" then%>
<%end if%>
<% if mo<>1 then Response.Write"" Dim ipagecount Dim ipagecurrent Dim strorderBy Dim irecordsshown if request.querystring("page")="" then ipagecurrent=1 else ipagecurrent=cint(request.querystring("page")) end if sql = "SELECT surl,ck,name,id FROM desktop where zhuanti="&typeid&" ORDER BY id aSC" Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.pagesize = 30 rs.cachesize = 30 rs.open sql,conn,1,1 ipagecount = rs.pagecount If ipagecurrent > ipagecount Then ipagecurrent = ipagecount If ipagecurrent < 1 Then ipagecurrent = 1 if ipagecount=0 then response.write "" else rs.absolutepage = ipagecurrent irecordsshown = 0 do while irecordsshown<30 and NOT rs.EOF Response.Write"" Response.Write"" irecordsshown = irecordsshown +1 rs.movenext end if Response.Write"" irecordsshown = irecordsshown +1 rs.movenext end if Response.Write"" irecordsshown = irecordsshown +1 rs.movenext end if Response.Write"" irecordsshown = irecordsshown +1 rs.movenext end if Response.Write"" loop end if Response.Write"
" if not rs.eof then Response.Write"

" if not rs.eof then Response.Write"

" if not rs.eof then Response.Write"

" if not rs.eof then Response.Write"

" if ipagecount >1 then Response.Write"
每页显示 30 个文件 共有 "&ipagecount&" 页 当前为第 "&ipagecurrent&" 页 " if ipagecurrent=1 then Response.Write"首页 | " else Response.Write"首页 | " end if if ipagecurrent=1 then Response.Write"上一页 | " else Response.Write"上一页 | " end if if ipagecount>ipagecurrent then Response.Write"下一页 " else Response.Write"下一页" end if if ipagecount>ipagecurrent then Response.Write"| 末页 " else Response.Write"| 末页 " end if Response.Write"
" rs.Close set rs=nothing end if else Response.Write"" Response.Write"" else do while NOT rs.EOF Response.Write"
" sql = "SELECT url,ck,name,id,jj FROM desktop where zhuanti="&typeid&" ORDER BY id aSC" 'response.write sql 'response.end Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 ipagecount = rs.pagecount If ipagecurrent > ipagecount Then ipagecurrent = ipagecount If ipagecurrent < 1 Then ipagecurrent = 1 if ipagecount=0 then response.write "
" if rs("jj")>"" then Response.Write"
" end if Response.Write"
" rs.movenext loop end if rs.Close set rs=nothing Response.Write"
" end if %>
<% Response.End end sub %>